Conflict Minerals
December 4, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.
CFSI Releases Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) Version 4.01b
December 04, 2015|Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.
On November 16, the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) released CMRT 4.01b, an update from CMRT 4.01 which was released in May.
With the release, CFSI writes: "CFSI strongly encourages the use of CMRT 4.0 or later for the current reporting year, calendar year 2015. Suppliers responding to new requests should use the latest version (CMRT 4.01b)."
The only change to the CMRT 4.01b is an updated smelter list. The new CMRT 4.01b forms can be downloaded here.
Compliance data from 2015 is due to be filed with the SEC by May 31, 2016 for companies affected by the conflict minerals law. We can help collect and validate your conflict minerals data with our Conflict Minerals data services, Smelter Validation service, and Conflict Minerals Module GreenData Manager software.
For existing GreenSoft customers
Larry Yen, President of GreenSoft Technology, Inc. says of the release:
"Our data collection team is preparing to start using CMRT 4.01b when performing RCOIs on behalf of our customers as part of our Conflict Minerals data services.
"And our software development team is working on updating GreenData Manager software to accept the processing of CMRT 4.01b forms, and the changes will be implemented soon."