GreenData Manager® (GDM)
Add-On Modules
Expand the capability of GDM software with specialized add-on modules
GreenData Manager (GDM) Software can be enhanced with a variety of flexible add-on modules. Each module below offers unique features specific to the regulations and necessities required by certain industries.
Component Disclosure Module
A comprehensive solution to help Component Manufacturers manage their materials database and generate Full Material Declaration (FMD) data. Establish a company-level FMD database, and meet reporting requirements for the EU REACH SCIP database and the automotive IMDS. Plus, provide customers with real-time compliance data right from your company website that automatically updates when your materials' substance data changes.
Conflict Minerals and EMRT Modules
The perfect tool for managing your Conflict Minerals data. Import Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) or Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT) forms, create CMRT reports using aggregated data at the company-level, product family-level, or product-level, and generate due-diligence and smelter analysis reports.
Learn more about the Conflict Minerals Module and EMRT Module.
Escalation Manager
Increase productivity and manage tasks with this easy and flexible project management and collaboration tool! Escalation Manager enables communication between your engineers and GreenSoft Technology engineers to manage escalated issues on your product compliance project.
iGDM Component Database Search
Now you can access GreenSoft Technology's extensive component database from anywhere via the Internet! Allow your engineering and product design team to qualify parts instantly by searching for matches from millions of up-to-date parts.
SCIP Database Module
Our SCIP Database Module is a powerful tool that allows for complex data processing and article analysis. Identify reportable Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in Bills of Materials (BOMs), components, articles, and materials/mixtures. Assign unique category IDs and material classifications, keep proprietary information confidential, and directly submit dossiers to the SCIP Database as well as manage past submissions.
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