
August 15, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Join us at this premier Conflict Minerals event in California

Get ready for this year's CFSI Annual Conference! This November we're headed to Santa Clara, California for the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative's (CFSI) annual Conflict Minerals event.

Featuring speakers from industry, civil society and government, the conference allows attendees to network, learn, and discuss solutions to conflict minerals challenges in their supply chains, such as SOR Validation.

GreenSoft's Sr. Sales Manager, Jon Grobe, and Senior Manager of Product Support, Randy Flinders, will be manning our table top display at the event. Stop by and say hello! You can ask your conflict minerals or other compliance regulation questions, and learn about our data services and software solutions for conflict minerals compliance.

CFSI Annual Conference 2016
Santa Clara, CA  USA
November 10, 2016
Register now

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White Paper

July 26, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

White Paper: Solving the Environmental Compliance Data Problem

A new White Paper has been added to our Media Library! Download the paper here.

The Environmental Compliance Data Problem

white-paper-libraryThe recent expansion of product environmental regulations such as the European Union’s RoHS-2 directive and REACH legislation have placed a heavy burden on manufacturers of electrical and electronic products.

With the incorporation of RoHS compliance requirements into the CE Marking scheme, and the publication of EN 50581 as an official harmonized standard, the due diligence expectations for data collection, validation, management, and documentation faced by companies has never been higher.

The addition of recent scope changes to the REACH legislation, along with the frequency of substance additions to the REACH SVHC list only adds to problem of needing to continuously collect and validate large amounts of complex compliance data.

Solving the Problem with GreenSoft's Data Services

This paper outlines the challenges in data collection and validation facing companies who need to comply with these ever-expanding regulations, and how GreenSoft’s data collection service can provide a low cost, high value approach to solving the environmental compliance data problem.

GreenSoft’s industry-leading EN 50581 compliant data collection process solves the environmental compliance data problem presented by continuously expanding regulations, offloading the heavy burden of data collection and validation so you can you can focus on what you do best.

Download the white paper and access our full White Paper Library here

Learn more about GreenSoft's Data Services here, or request information online.

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June 22, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

One new substance added to EU REACH SVHC Candidate List

EU-REACHYesterday, June 20, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added one new substance to the EU REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List, bringing the total number of SVHC substances to 169.

The inclusion of a substance in the REACH SVHC Candidate List places legal obligations on companies using the substance in a concentration above 0.1%. Details of the legal obligations can be found on the ECHA website.

The newly added substance is:


ECHA included the following statement in the news release:

ECHA has added one new SVHC to the Candidate List due to the carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic for reproduction, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT), and very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) properties of the substance.

Read the full news release from ECHA here. The last update to the REACH SVHC Candidate List was in December 2015.

Need help with REACH SVHC compliance?

Additions and changes to the REACH SVHC Candidate List can be expected every six months. The REACH regulation applies to thousands of substances that are present in electrical and electronic equipment. REACH compliance affects companies of all sizes and requires manufacturers to have detailed knowledge of the substances present in their products.

GreenSoft's experienced worldwide team can help collect REACH SVHC statements and full-disclosure chemical data for your parts and components, validate the data for accuracy and formatting, and help identify non-compliant parts and find second sources for non-compliant components. Learn more and get a free Risk Analysis!

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Five Entries Added to EU REACH SVHC List

EU REACH SVHC List now contains 240 Entries. Environmental compliance is required for companies using such substances. GreenSoft can help with SCIP Database submissions and more.

Conflict Minerals

May 9, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

CFSI Releases CMRT Version 4.10 for Conflict Minerals Reporting

Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) has released Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) version 4.10, an update from CMRT 4.01b which was released in November 2015.

CFSI lists some of the "major changes" included in CMRT 4.10:

  1. Corrections to all bugs and errors
  2. Enhancements which do not conflict with IPC-1755
    1. Additions and clarifications in the instructions and definitions
    2. Smelter List Tab: Re-introduction of “smelter not yet identified”
    3. Smelter List Tab: Inclusion of drop down menu for smelter ID that triggers auto-population of columns B to J
  3. Translation improvements and addition of Turkish language
  4. Updates to the Smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List as of March 23, 2016
    1. Updated lists and corrections
    2. ASCII character set alignment

CFSI strongly encourages the use of CMRT 4.10 for the current reporting year: 2015. Compliance data from 2015 is due to be filed with the SEC by May 31, 2016 for companies affected by the conflict minerals law.

The new CMRT 4.10 forms can be downloaded here.

With the due date for 2015 reporting at the end of this month, there is no time to delay. We will provide you with a free risk assessment when you submit your information. Our Conflict Minerals data services and Smelter Validation service enables you to focus on your core competencies while we collect and validate your conflict minerals data.

For existing GreenSoft customers
Existing clients of GreenSoft can rest easy knowing that the GreenSoft software development team and data collection team will take care of this update for you.

Larry Yen, President of GreenSoft Technology, Inc. says of the release:

“Our software development team is preparing to update GreenData Manager software to accept the processing of CMRT 4.10 forms, and our data collection team is preparing to start using CMRT 4.10 when performing RCOIs on behalf of our customers as part of our Conflict Minerals data services. The changes will be implemented in the near future.”

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California Proposition 65

May 5, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Two new substances added to CA Proposition 65 list

In April, two new substances were added to California's Proposition 65 lists of chemicals known to cause harm.

The substances added to the lists by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) are:

  1. abiraterone acetate (CAS No. 154229-18-2) - known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity, and
  2. styrene (CAS No. 100-42-5) - known to the state to cause cancer.

Companies subject to Prop 65 are required to provide a warning before exposing anyone to a listed chemical, and are prohibited from discharging listed chemicals into sources of drinking water.

Prop 65 updates can be found online here.

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May 4, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

BPA Proposed to be Added to REACH Annex XVII Restricted Substances List

european-commissionIn April, the European Commission notified the World Trade Organization of its intention to add a new substance to the REACH Annex XVII restricted substances list.

The draft regulation (reference: G/TBT/N/EU/372) would restrict thermal paper containing bisphenol A (BPA) in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.02% by weight from being placed on the market.

Affected companies will have a three year deferment to give the industry time to comply with the new restriction.

More details and the draft legislation can be found on the EU's website here.

GreenSoft's REACH Compliance Services
GreenSoft helps electrical and electronics manufacturers manage REACH compliance with a process that includes data collection, data validation, and replacement parts sourcing. We can also help with compliance assessments and sourcing replacement suppliers. Learn more about our REACH compliance services here.

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Five Entries Added to EU REACH SVHC List

EU REACH SVHC List now contains 240 Entries. Environmental compliance is required for companies using such substances. GreenSoft can help with SCIP Database submissions and more.


April 25, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

New Events Added: ITI & IPC Conferences on Product Regulations

iti-ipc-2016This June we'll be exhibiting at the ITI & IPC Conference on Emerging & Critical Environmental Product Regulations. This 3-day Conference spans over three cities: Boston, the Chicago area, and Silicon Valley.

Hosted by the IPC Association and the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), this year's conference brings together industry experts such as UK regulators Steve Andrews of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Dave Symons of the National Measurement and Regulation Office (NMRO).

Speakers will provide insights on the recent EU Court of Justice decision on the definition of "article" and its impact on EU REACH, new developments for the EU RoHS exemption requests, and the recast and use changes to China RoHS.

GreenSoft will be exhibiting our data services and software solutions for companies that need to comply with the various regulations discussed at the Conference. Stop by our table during the breaks to learn how we can be your helping hand for environmental compliance.

Registration for these informative conferences is still open. Secure your seat today online.

ITI & IPC Conference on Emerging & Critical Environmental Product Regulations

➤ June 06, 2016 – Boston, MA  USA 
Register Now

➤ June 08, 2016 – Chicago area, IL  USA 
Register Now

➤ June 10, 2016 – Silicon Valley, CA  USA 
Register Now

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White Paper

April 21,  2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

New! Best Practices for RoHS-2 Compliance in Support of CE Mark

eu-rohsToday we're releasing a new informational White Paper. "Best Practices for RoHS-2 Compliance in Support of CE Mark" provides a detailed look at the EU's “Restriction of Hazardous Substances” directive (RoHS-2) and what it means for your company.

RoHS-2 has placed new, more stringent due diligence and documentation requirements on manufacturers and importers of electronic products. Even with the guidance provided by the harmonized standards, defining a process for ensuring RoHS-2 compliance in support of CE Marking is a difficult endeavor.

This White Paper explores the due diligence and documentation requirements, and provides suggestions on best practices for establishing a fully compliant, cost effective RoHS-2 product validation process.

Download the Best Practices for RoHS-2 Compliance in Support of CE Mark White Paper here:
[sdm_download id="2175" fancy="0"]

And check out our full White Paper Library for even more compliance news and information.

And if your company needs help with RoHS-2 compliance, or if you aren't sure where to get started, give us a call at +1-323-254-5961 or email

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April 1, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

New Compliance Roundtables Added in Portland, Seattle, and California

It's time for another round of educational roundtables with VDE Americas! We're partnering up with VDE Americas again this year to bring you a round of global compliance seminars this spring.

Titled “Regulatory Compliance Solutions and Updates for Wireless Enabled Products Entering the Global Marketplace," these roundtables are tailored for manufacturers with global distribution.

You and your company have spent a lot of time innovating, creating and planning for global distribution of these sought after products. But all your efforts may not yield the desired results if you don’t adhere to various mandatory regulatory certifications.

VDE has brought in the experts to tell you all you need to know about complying with various global environmental regulations to ensure your products are ready for every marketplace.

GreenSoft's own Randy Flinders, Senior Manager of Product Support, will be presenting his portion of the roundtable, "Environmental Compliance: What it means to your Product Compliance and Market Access Strategy," which will include vital info on:

  • Environmental Requirements Update
  • Product Environmental Requirements for CE Marking
  • Best Practices for Environmental Compliance Management

The Spring Roundtables schedule kicks off on the West Coast and finishes on the East Coast:

  • April 26, 2016 – Portland, OR - Register Now
  • April 27, 2016 – Seattle, WA - Register Now
  • May 03, 2016 – Santa Clara, CA - Register Now
  • May 04, 2016 – Anaheim, CA - Register Now
  • May 17, 2016 - Boston, MA - registration coming soon
  • May 19, 2016 - Rochester, NY - registration coming soon

Registration is now open for the West Coast half of these informative events, but space is limited. Reserve your seat today.

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China RoHS

March 9, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Final China RoHS-2 Regulation Published

china-rohsChina's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (“MIIT”) has published the long-awaited "China RoHS-2" legislation, formally titled "Management Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products."

The legislation was published on January 21, 2016, and repeals the former China RoHS-1 legislation published on February 28, 2006.

China RoHS-2 goes into effect on July 1, 2016. It expands the affected product scope among other changes outlined below.

China RoHS-2 Summary

The China RoHS-2 legislation includes the following changes from the original RoHS-1 legislation:

  • Expands the scope of affected products from electronic information products to electrical and electronic products, defined as “Devices and accessory products with rated working electrical voltages of no more than 1500 volts direct current and 1000 volts alternating current which function by means of current or electromagnetic fields, and generate, transmit and measure such currents and electromagnetic fields.”
    • Excludes power generation, transmission, and distribution equipment.
    • A detailed list of in-scope products and their associated product-specific substance restriction requirements will be published in a yet-to-be-released Compliance Management Catalog.
  • Establishes content limit restrictions of the six (6) substances listed below and their compounds, as defined in GBT 26572-2011:
    • Lead and its compounds;
    • Mercury and its compounds;
    • Cadmium and its compounds;
    • Hexavalent chromium compounds;
    • Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB);
    • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).
  • Establishes labeling requirements indicating the names and contents of harmful or hazardous substances contained within in-scope products and their components, and other information, as defined in SJ/T 11364-2014.  (Similar to RoHS-1)
  • Introduces obligations to comply with all national Chinese packaging material standard conformity and marking requirements, including GBT 16716.1-2008, which limits the lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium present in packaging components.
  • Changes the “compulsory certification” terminology reflected in China RoHS-1 to a potentially more flexible “conformity assessment system” to be implemented by the CNCA and MIIT.  No schedule for the development of this catalog has been defined at this time.
  • Removes the “products manufactured for export” exemption included in China RoHS-1.
  • It should be noted that the hazardous-substance content limits would not become effective under China RoHS-2 until a specified time following the promulgation of the Compliance Management Catalog.

A full text of the China RoHS-2 legislation is available on the MIIT website in Chinese here. An English translation is available online here from Foley & Lardner LLP.  

Companies manufacturing products which were deemed out of scope for the original China RoHS-1 requirements should review the expanded scope of the new legislation to determine if applicability to their products has changed.  Products in scope China RoHS-2 are required to meet the marking, disclosure, and packaging substance restriction requirements of the regulation, even if their products have not specifically been listed in the product catalog.

Companies already in compliance with China RoHS-1 marking and disclosure requirements should review their products for potential impact of the inclusion of substance compounds (RoHs-1 only covered discreet substances), and potential impacts associated with the new packaging substance restriction requirements.

What China RoHS-2 Means for GreenSoft Clients

China RoHS-2 goes into effect in July this year. GreenSoft is reviewing the legislation, and affected GreenSoft customers will be notified by their dedicated Project Manager to discuss the changes and implications.

If you're not a GreenSoft customer yet, give us a call at +1-323-254-5961 or email to learn how we can simplify your product compliance process for China RoHS and other regulations.

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Compliance Solutions

March 8, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

List of IPC-1752A Verified Solution Providers for 2015 released

IPC-1752A Data Standard Verified Solution Providers

In 2014 the IPC association introduced an annual review process to determine a list of Verified Solution Providers for the IPC 1752A standard.

The IPC-1752A standard allows for data to be transmitted through a supply chain in a standardized format. The IPC association relies on third party solution providers to develop tools compatible with the standard.

After reviewing samples submitted by multiple companies, the IPC association recently released the 2015 Verified Solution Providers list on their website here.

GreenSoft is listed as a Verified Solution Provider for all three of the Declaration Classes: A, C and D, for our Data Services and GreenData Manager software compliance management tools.

IPC-1752A Viewer

IPC-1752A data ViewerIn addition to being a Verified Solution Provider for the IPC-1752A standard, GreenSoft Technology has created an online tool for those using the data standard: IPC-1752A Viewer

This tool converts compliance data from the IPC-1752A XML format into a readable HTML format for review and sharing around the organization. GreenSoft provides the IPC-1752A Viewer tool to the industry at no cost, allowing manufacturers and other users to convert unlimited IPC-1752A files at their convenience. Try it for free online.

IPC APEX Expo: Forward Thinking for Tomorrow's Technology

apex16logoThe IPC association's annual trade show is coming up next week in Las Vegas! This year's IPC APEX Expo is geared towards innovations shaping the technology of the future.

With future environmental sustainability initiatives come additional global regulations and restrictions on chemical and substance usage. GreenSoft Technology is the expert in helping manufacturers prepare for and comply with a variety of global regulations and directives like RoHS-2, REACH SVHC, and more.

Stop by our booth at the APEX Expo to learn more, or give us a call at +1-323-254-5961 or email

We'll be raffling away a $100 gift card to the Bellagio Hotel & Casino in our booth, so be sure to stop by to enter to win!

We also have a select number of complimentary VIP passes to the show available. Contact your sales rep or to reserve a pass in your name.

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February 19, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Renewal Requests Submitted for Large Number of EU RoHS-2 Exemptions

eu-rohsAs previously reported, many of the most commonly used exemptions applicable to product categories 1-7 and 10 of the EU RoHS-2 Directive expire on July 21, 2016.

However, a large number of renewal applications for exemptions were submitted to the European Commission between October 2014 and January 2015.

Under the RoHS-2 Directive, exemptions remain in effect until a decision is made on renewal applications that have been submitted. The European Commission states their anticipated time frame to make a decision on each exemption extension is 18-24 months from the application date.

Therefor the exemptions with submitted renewal requests will likely remain exempt through 2016. However, the European Commission has said they will announce an updated time frame in second quarter 2016. That announcement will tell us exactly when the Commission expects to make their decisions on the renewal applications, and therefor how much longer each exemption remains valid until it is either renewed or expires.

We will let you know when the European Commission makes their announcement this year. The list of renewal applications for exemptions can be found here.

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