
January 27, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Register Now to See GreenSoft Present at the IPC APEX Show in Las Vegas!

The IPC APEX Show is a premier electronics manufacturing industry event going on this March 15-17 in Las Vegas, Nevada.


The APEX Show's combination of education, technology, networking and the largest collection of industry suppliers will provide the forward thinking you need to create tomorrow's technology.

GreenSoft will be exhibiting in booth #635, so stop on by to say hello and learn about our green compliance data management services and software! 

GreenSoft's Senior Manager of Product Support, Randy Flinders, will be speaking in a Technical Conference Session on Environmental Compliance at the show. The session will review the evolution of the RoHS directive and covers the requirements and scope of the directive, as well as which standards are used to demonstrate compliance and best practices for building a comprehensive, efficient, and effective product environmental compliance process.

Environmental Compliance Technical Conference Session at IPC APEX
Tuesday, March 15
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Register Now

The session will discuss the challenges an environmental compliance team faces in collecting complete and accurate material and substance data in a timely manner from suppliers. This will included a review of complexities involved in the logistics of supply chain data collection for RoHS, REACH, and Conflict Minerals, as well as a review of data exchange standards such as IPC-1752A.

Randy will present the "Best Practices for RoHS Compliance in support of CE Marking" portion of the session, and will be joined by Tord Dennis of WSP USA and Chuck LePard of Hewlett-Packard, with moderator Stephen Edward of TTM Technologies. Randy has over 20 years in product compliance, and is a member of several IPC standards development committees.

Register online now to attend the IPC APEX Show.

And then sign-up to attend this can't-miss seminar.

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January 25, 2016 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

The Bulk of RoHS-2 Exemptions Expire This July: Be Prepared!

eu-rohsThe EU RoHS-2 Directive restricting the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) has a multi-year implementation system that allows exemptions for certain applications where meeting the RoHS substance restriction thresholds is not technologically feasible. Many of these use-based exemptions are set to expire this year.

Companies affected by RoHS-2 are required to ensure that their EEE products do not contain the hazardous substances restricted under RoHS-2, except for specific exemptions called out in RoHS-2 annexes. However, many of the most commonly used exemptions applicable to product categories 1-7 and 10 are set to expire on July 21, 2016. Category 8, medical devices, and Category 9, monitoring and control equipment, have no exemptions set to expire in 2016.

For exemptions where an application for extension is being processed by the EU authorities, the July 21, 2016 deadline has been delayed while the applications for extension are reviewed. The actual fate and expiration dates for these particular exemptions vary depending on the exemption and status of the ongoing Article 5 exemption review.

Substances from Categories 1-7 and 10 with exemptions that expire this July are listed here.

With the stated exemption expiration date only a few months away, and the status and timing of exemption extension reviews unknown, companies using parts or materials which utilize expiring exemptions to achieve RoHS-2 compliance should immediately begin finding replacements and phasing out the use of these parts or materials.

GreenSoft can help with this process, including the sourcing of replacement parts. We can help you collect the substance data on your parts and format the data to meet the due diligence and documentation requirements of RoHS-2 and EN 50581. Give us a call at +1-323-254-5961 or email today to get started!

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EU RoHS Exemptions Timeline Update

EU RoHS Exemptions Updates: European Commission announces target adoption dates expected in third quarter 2024 for critical EU RoHS exemptions for electronics manufacturers


December 21, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

5 New Substances Added to REACH Annex XIV SVHC Candidate List

December 21, 2015|Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

EU-REACHOn December 17, five new substances were added to the REACH Annex XIV Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List, bringing the total number of SVHC substances to 168.

The inclusion of a substance in the SVHC Candidate List places legal obligations on companies using the substance. A list of the legal obligations can be found on the ECHA website.

The newly added substances are:

  1. Nitrobenzene (EC #202-716-0; CAS #98-95-3). Reason for inclusion: Toxic for reproduction (Article 57 c)
  2. 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(5- chlorobenzotriazol-2-yl)phenol (UV-327) (EC #223-383-8; CAS #3864-99-1). Reason for inclusion: vPvB (Article 57 e)
  3. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(tertbutyl)-6-(sec-butyl)phenol (UV- 350) (EC #253-037-1; CAS # 36437-37-3). Reason for inclusion: vPvB (Article 57 e)
  4. 1,3-propanesultone (EC #214-317-9; CAS # 1120-71-4). Reason for inclusion: Carcinogenic (Article 57 a)
  5. Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts (EC #206-801-3; CAS #375-95-1 21049-39-8 4149-60-4). Reason for inclusion: Toxic for reproduction (Article 57 c) PBT (Article 57 d)

The official ECHA notice of the December 17th substance additions can be found online here. The last update to the list was in June.

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Five Entries Added to EU REACH SVHC List

EU REACH SVHC List now contains 240 Entries. Environmental compliance is required for companies using such substances. GreenSoft can help with SCIP Database submissions and more.

Conflict Minerals

December 4, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

CFSI Releases Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) Version 4.01b

December 04, 2015|Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

On November 16, the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) released CMRT 4.01b, an update from CMRT 4.01 which was released in May.

With the release, CFSI writes: "CFSI strongly encourages the use of CMRT 4.0 or later for the current reporting year, calendar year 2015. Suppliers responding to new requests should use the latest version (CMRT 4.01b)."

The only change to the CMRT 4.01b is an updated smelter list. The new CMRT 4.01b forms can be downloaded here.

Compliance data from 2015 is due to be filed with the SEC by May 31, 2016 for companies affected by the conflict minerals law. We can help collect and validate your conflict minerals data with our Conflict Minerals data services, Smelter Validation service, and Conflict Minerals Module GreenData Manager software.

For existing GreenSoft customers
Larry Yen, President of GreenSoft Technology, Inc. says of the release:

"Our data collection team is preparing to start using CMRT 4.01b when performing RCOIs on behalf of our customers as part of our Conflict Minerals data services.

"And our software development team is working on updating GreenData Manager software to accept the processing of CMRT 4.01b forms, and the changes will be implemented soon."

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Conflict Minerals

November 18, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Court Denies SEC’s Petition for Rehearing in Conflict Minerals Case

With surprising speed, the D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has denied the SEC and Amnesty International's petition for a rehearing en banc of the Court's recent rulings on the Conflict Mineral provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.

In April 2014, the Court determined that provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that required companies to state their products have “not been found to be DRC conflict free” violate the companies’ First Amendment rights. A three-judge panel reaffirmed that decision in August 2015 after the SEC appealed the April ruling in November 2014. The SEC and Amnesty International filed a petition to rehear the case in front of the entire D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on October 2. That petition was denied on November 9th.

There is still an option left that the SEC and Amnesty International could take, according to Schulte Roth & Zabel, LLP. The SEC now has 90 days from the date of the denial to file a petition for a writ of certiorari seeking U.S. Supreme Court review of the appellate court decision.

As has been the status quo since August, the remainder of the Conflict Minerals law is still in effect. Affected companies will still be required to report or disclose their conflict mineral data. Only the provision requiring companies to state whether their products are “DRC conflict free,” “not been found to be DRC conflict free” or “DRC conflict undeterminable” has been struck down.

We will keep our readers posted on this ongoing litigation. For help with Conflict Minerals compliance, Smelter or Refiner Validation, or to receive a demo of our Conflict Minerals Module GreenData Manager Software, contact

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November 6, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

What You Need to Know About the Ruling on REACH SVHC Thresholds

EU-REACHLast month the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on articles of the REACH regulation pertaining to SVHC thresholds.

Contrary to the interpretation of the legislation adopted by the European Commission and a guide published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the ECJ ruling sided with the five Member States and Norway that contested the European Commission and ECHA's interpretation.

The European Commission and ECHA previously interpreted the REACH legislation to mean that companies are required to communicate the presence of the SVHC to their customers and provide required substance information when a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) exceeds 0.1% in the entire article/product. Additionally, if the total amount for all units imported into or manufactured within the EU of the specific SVHC contained in the product exceeds one metric tonne per year, the company may also be required to notify ECHA.

But last month the ECJ ruled that this 0.1% threshold requiring companies to communicate information to their customers and/or notify ECHA actually applies to each component within a complex product containing multiple articles. Under this interpretation, companies are required to notify ECHA anytime an SVHC exceeds 0.1% in any one component within the article/product.

For example, below is an article/product with 7 components. The red component has an SVHC weight of 0.1%, but the entire article has an SVHC weight of less than 0.1%.


Once an Article, Always an Article

Additionally, any given component that a manufacturer purchases from a supplier may be made up of sub-assemblies that the manufacturer isn't aware of. These sub-assemblies must be compliant based on their own component level as well.

This new interpretation is sometimes referred to as the "Once an Article, Always an Article" approach. What this means is that any part or component that met the definition of an article before being incorporated into the final product must be evaluated as a separate article for the purpose of determining REACH SVHC concentrations.

This will cause the compliance status of some products which were not previously subject to REACH SVHC communication and notification requirements to change. Companies should take care to ensure previous product validations are revisited, and that their supply chain communication strategy (both with suppliers and customers) is updated to take the new interpretation into account.

For GreenSoft Customers

GreenSoft Technology, Inc. already collects Full Material Data (FMD) on each component within an article for our Data Services customers, so we already know the percentage of SVHC chemicals within each component of your articles or products.

Still, we are updating the verbiage on the compliance documentation that we send to your suppliers to specifically state that compliance with REACH SVHC regulations is determined on the component and sub-assembly level. So when suppliers sign the document to certify the compliance of their products, the document will clearly state that compliance depends on the SVHC level of the sub-assembly parts of the component in addition to the component.

We Can Help

Is your organization struggling with the impact of this change? We can help. Greensoft is already helping lots of companies to collect all the required supplier data and is providing product level evaluations for REACH SVHC at the component level as required by this new regulation interpretation. Additionally, GreenSoft's award winning Green Data Manager software allows users to produce their own REACH SVHC component level product reports and disclosures in real time. For a free presentation on how GreenSoft can assist you in meeting these new requirements, as well as many others, contact us.

The full text of the ECJ decision is available online. ECHA has not yet released a detailed statement or a new guide for manufacturers, but we will notify our readers at the time when ECHA publishes that information.

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Five Entries Added to EU REACH SVHC List

EU REACH SVHC List now contains 240 Entries. Environmental compliance is required for companies using such substances. GreenSoft can help with SCIP Database submissions and more.


October 29, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Join Us for a Regulatory Roundtable with VDE Americas

October 29, 2015|Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

If you are a product manager, developer, or regulatory engineer responsible for the development and global deployment of wireless enabled products you will benefit from this informative roundtable session.

An expert panel of industry insiders from VDE Americas and GreenSoft Technology, Inc. will share their knowledge and provide insider information on everything you need to know to build and/or properly manager your product's global regulatory strategy.

You will learn how to significantly reduce your regulatory compliance burden, identify ways to minimize your product's development time, and maximize it's time to market.

Regulatory Compliance Strategies & Solutions for Wireless Enabled Products Entering the Global Marketplace
November 11, 2015

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Hilton Garden Inn Raleigh/Durham, NC

Space is limited for this complimentary event. Reserve your seat today!

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Conflict Minerals

October 14, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

SEC Seeks Rehearing in On-Going Conflict Minerals Legal Battle

Last week saw yet another step in the on-going legal battle over the conflict mineral provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.

On October 2, the SEC and Amnesty International filed petitions requesting an en banc rehearing of the Court's April 2014 decision which determined that provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act were unconstitutional and the Court's August three-seat panel decision that reaffirmed the April ruling.

The April and August rulings determined that the requirement of companies to state their products have “not been found to be DRC conflict free” violates the companies’ First Amendment rights. If the Court approves the SEC and Amnesty International's petitions for an en banc rehearing, the case will be reheard in front of the entire D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

This blog post is now our ninth update on the on-going Conflict Minerals legal battle in the US. Read about the case from the beginning to the present: March 2013, July 2013, April 2014, May 2014, September 2014, November 2014,  March 2015, August 2015.

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October 7, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Global Regulatory Roundtables in Boston and Dallas

October 07, 2015|Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Experiencing difficulty defining and executing a global regulatory strategy? 

Are your wireless enabled products ready for the global marketplace but you just don't know where to start? 

Identification of regulatory requirements in each country listed on your product marketing release calendar, while a daunting task, is vital to ensuring compliance during the development phase. Product failures due to compliance design deficiencies can result in last minute engineering changes, product release delays and increase in costs.

VDE Americas roundtables offer you an opportunity to learn how to navigate through the "value chain" of compliance, and gain an understanding of the most cost effective ways to obtain all required certifications, validations, and declarations that legally allow your products to enter target global markets.

We will help you significantly reduce your regulatory compliance burden, identify ways to minimize your product's development time, and maximize it's time to market.

Our Boston global regulatory roundtable brings together a powerhouse lineup of industry expert panelists from VDE America’s Global Regulatory Compliance Strategies & Solutions group, Compliance Worldwide and GreenSoft Technologies Data Collection team. 

Register today for these complimentary roundtables!

➤ October 20, 2015 – Boston (Burlington, MA USA) Register Now

➤ October 22, 2015 – Dallas (Plano, TX USA) Register Now

To view GreenSoft's full event schedule, click here.

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September 24, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

GreenSoft at the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative Annual Conference

September 24, 2015|Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

The Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) Annual Conference is happening this week in San Jose, CA. The topic of this year's conference is Responsible Mineral Sourcing.

The conference is a full day of educational seminars as well as exhibits by companies that service the environmental compliance industry. So naturally GreenSoft Technology is exhibiting our Conflict Minerals and Smelter or Refiner (SOR) Validation services, our CMRT collection and validation services, and our Conflict Minerals Module installed in GreenData Manager software.

Seminars at this year's conference included "Mastering the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)," "Smelters and the Adoption of Good Practices," and "Critiquing and Improving Supply Chain Surveys: Data Quality, Integrity and Limitations."

We're happy to see CFSI discussing the importance of data quality and data integrity for conflict minerals compliance. We have been emphasizing to our customers that validating smelters or refiners from the CMRT forms provided by your suppliers has become a key responsibility due to RCOI guidelines. Smelter Validation is one of our most requested new services.

We're excited to have this opportunity to present our solutions to the CFSI attendees, and are looking forward to a great conference!

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IPC-1752A Viewer

September 14, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

IPC-1752A Viewer Allows You to View IPC-1752A Compliance Data Online

ipc1752a-viewerGreenSoft Technology, Inc. is excited to announce the release of the new IPC-1752A Viewer, an easy-to-use online converter that turns IPC-1752A compliance data in XML format into a user-friendly readable format. No software installation is needed!

IPC-1752A XML has become the standard for electronics manufacturers to exchange compliance information and material declaration data. But IPC-1752A XML files are designed for exchange between machine to machine, and do not allow for a human eye to read the data.

GreenData Manager IPC-1752A Viewer enables you to read compliance information and material declaration data without downloading any software.

Just upload your file and click “Convert.” GreenData Manager IPC-1752A Viewer will instantly convert the XML information into a readable format for you to review or download.

IPC-1752A Viewer Features:

  • Instantly converts imported IPC-1752A XML data files into a readable HTML format.
  • Download converted HTML files to share with other parties.
  • Accessible via internet without software installation.
  • Data is not stored and remains confidential.
  • No charges or fees.

Created by GreenSoft Technology, Inc., the industry-leading provider of environmental compliance data services and software, GreenData Manager IPC-1752A Viewer is a FREE benefit to the entire environmental compliance industry.

Convert your IPC-1752A XML file now! Get started here.

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Conflict Minerals

August 19, 2015 | Written by GreenSoft Technology, Inc.

Rehearing Reaffirms Unconstitutionality of Conflict Minerals Provisions

The on-going legal dispute over the Conflict Minerals provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act reached another milestone yesterday, as a three-seat panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reaffirmed the Court's prior decision.

In April 2014, the Court ruled that requiring electronics manufacturers to declare a compliance status is compelled free speech that violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Yesterday the split-panel ruling reaffirmed that decision.

The remainder of the Conflict Minerals law is still in effect. Affected companies will still be required to report or disclose their conflict mineral data. Only the provision requiring companies to state whether their products are “DRC conflict free,” “not been found to be DRC conflict free” or “DRC conflict undeterminable" has been struck down.

The SEC had appealed the April decision leading to yesterday's panel rehearing. The SEC is permitted to appeal yesterday's panel decision yet again by requesting a hearing en banc, i.e. in front of the entire D.C. Court of Appeals.

Read a full text of yesterday's decision here.

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