eCMA Forms for Boston Scientific Suppliers

Solution for Suppliers to Boston Scientific
GreenSoft Technology has a solution for suppliers who must submit documentation on material composition and regulation compliance to Boston Scientific.
We provide data collection, validation, and reporting services for regulations such as EU RoHS, EU REACH, the EU Medical Device Regulations (MDR), Conflict Minerals, and others.

GreenSoft's Data Services provide coverage for:
• Electronic Component Material Assessment (eCMA) forms
• Full Material Declaration (FMD) data
• Conflict Minerals Reporting Templates (CMRT)
As part of our Data Services, we can generate both component-level and product-level FMD data, and transfer that product disclosure data into eCMA format for submission to Boston Scientific's BSC Corporate Supplier Portal.
We can also generate CMRT forms for conflict minerals submissions.
Get the reports you need for submission to the Boston Scientific BSC Corporate Supplier Portal
Boston Scientific is one of the largest medical device manufacturers in the world. The company expects its suppliers to provide complete and accurate data for their parts.
GreenSoft takes care of collecting and preparing this data for you, so that you can focus on producting and selling your products.
We will obtain the data you need to fulfill your obligations to Boston Scientific, and verify it for accuracy. Then we'll compile it into company-level or product-level reports and convert it into the necessary format for submitting to Boston Scientific's BSC Corporate Supplier Portal.

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Full Material Declaration (FMD) Processing
Boston Scientific expects its suppliers to provide disclosure on 100% of the material composition for all supplier parts and components.
As part of our Data Services, we can generate this FMD data on your parts at both the component-level and the product-level. Plus, we can convert that data into eCMA format for submission to Boston Scientific.
Establishing an FMD database is not only required by Boston Scientific, but it is also the best practice to reduce your burden of providing updated compliance declarations to customers when regulations are changed.
Instead of providing individual compliance declarations for each package or component, give your customers FMD data and eliminate the need to re-issue compliance declarations every time a regulation is updated.
Conflict Minerals Reporting Templates (CMRT)
In addition to FMD data and eCMA forms, Boston Scientific also requires its suppliers to provide Conflict Minerals data through the BSC Corporate Supplier Portal. GreenSoft Technology can provide you with full Conflict Minerals data coverage as part of our Conflict Minerals Data Services.
Just send us a parts list and we'll collect and validate the CMRT provided by your suppliers, aggregate the information, and generate a CMRT at the company-level or BOM-level, per your requirements.
Our Conflict Minerals Data Services provide:
• High quality supply chain data through our 100+ Point Data Validation System
• Rigorous follow-up with suppliers during Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI)
• Dedicated teams to monitor changes to legislation and smelter lists
• A dedicated Project Manager assigned to your project to provide bi-weekly/monthly status updates so that you can be sure your project stays on track
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DISCLAIMER: GreenSoft Technology, Inc. is not affiliated with Boston Scientific or any of its affiliates. Additionally, the eCMA services offered here are not affiliated with Boston Scientific or any of its affiliates.