SCIP Database Solution
Industry-proven data collection and validation services combined with powerful GreenData Manager software delivers a complete package for SVHC submissions to the SCIP Database.
Supply Chain SVHC
Data Collection
Article & Material
Category Validation
SCIP Dossier
SVHCs and the SCIP Database
Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), a subset of EU REACH, are the most hazardous and harmful substances and are highly regulated. New substances are added to the SVHC list every 6 months, making compliance an ever-changing target.
Under the EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD), producers and importers of articles in the EU are required to submit detailed dossiers on the presence of SVHCs in their products to the Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP) Database. SCIP submissions require significantly more information than EU REACH SVHC communication obligations.
We collect SVHC data from your supply chain
We contact your suppliers directly to collect data on reportable SVHCs in your products and all other information you need to meet SCIP requirements.
Hands-On SVHC Data Collection
GreenSoft collects SVHC data from your suppliers, including article and material classifications, and follows up with suppliers for clarification and corrections as needed.
Comprehensive SVHC Data Validation
We validate the collected data for accuracy and completeness using a multi-step validation process to ensure 99.9% data quality.
Article & Material Category Validation
We work with suppliers to assign article and material category classifications to the reportable SVHCs in your products. We’ll perform classification assessments if suppliers fail to provide them.
SCIP Dossier Management & Submission
Using GreenData Manager software, we can automatically generate SCIP dossiers for direct upload to the SCIP Database, and we can submit the dossiers for you if you choose.
Get Answers to your SCIP Questions
Who needs to comply with SCIP? What information needs to be submitted?
Find answers to these and more frequently asked questions about the SCIP Database on our SCIP Database FAQ page.
A Comprehensive Approach to SCIP Compliance
Our SCIP Database solution combines our industry-proven data collection and validation services with powerful GreenData Manager software to deliver a complete SCIP compliance solution.
Our SCIP solution includes:
- Article ID Management
- Article and Material Category Validation
- Protection of Confidential Business Information
- True "Once-an-Article" Analysis and Reporting
- SCIP Dossier Management
- Direct SCIP Portal Submission Capabilities

Why Choose GreenSoft?
We leverage our supplier relationships and 20+ years of industry experience to overcome common roadblocks.
Our Database-Centric Approach Streamlines the Process
GreenSoft matches your parts list with our extensive databases of parts, components, and suppliers to streamline the data collection process, identify high-risk suppliers, and establish benchmarks for your project on day one.
We Prioritize Full Material Declaration (FMD) Data
With new SVHCs being added twice per year, standard REACH compliance statements quickly become out-of-date. GreenSoft collects FMD data whenever possible to avoid having to recollect compliance statements every time a new SVHC is added.
We are the only solution provider that offers O5A "Once an Article, Always an Article” Processing
Article processing is difficult and tedious, but necessary for SCIP submissions. SCIP Module for GDM dynamically designates materials within parts as articles, as well as combinations of materials as complex objects. GreenSoft’s experts oversee this process and provide the construction analysis required to meet O5A standards.
White Paper
Data Services for SCIP Data Collection
Learn more about GreenSoft Technology's comprehensive solution for preparing and submitting SCIP dossiers to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Manage SCIP Compliance with GreenData Manager
SCIP Module for GreenData Manager® (GDM) allows you to perform complex data processing and article analysis, generate complete SCIP dossiers, and submit them directly to the SCIP Database.
Identify reportable SVHCs in Bills of Materials (BOM), components, articles, and materials/mixtures.
Prepare complete SCIP dossiers and export them in IUCLID i6z format for submissions.
Submit SCIP dossiers one at a time OR in bulk directly to the SCIP Database, and manage past submissions.
Includes a unique Intelligent Article ID Assignment and Management System to protect your proprietary information.
SCIP Database Resources
SCIP Database FAQs
Who needs to comply with SCIP? What information needs to be submitted? Get answers to these and more frequently asked questions regarding the SCIP Database by browsing our SCIP Database FAQs.
SCIP: A Comprehensive Solution
GreenSoft's SCIP solution combines our industry-proven data collection and validation services with powerful GreenData Manager® (GDM) compliance software to deliver a complete package for SVHC submissions to the SCIP Database.
SCIP Turnkey Solution
GreenSoft has combined a complete exemptions list of all current, valid EU RoHS exemptions and corresponding UK RoHS exemptions into a single, user-friendly Excel file for your reference.